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Community Arts and Events

Community Arts and Events

Akwi introducing Storytellers

Community arts and events

Creating Connections

Our Groundswell Cafe, Urban Farm, and Cultivate Hope Corner Store all offer places to gather for learning, stories, arts, and fun together.

In addition to our regular daily programming, Matthew 25 hosts a variety of events throughout the year designed to foster community and help people to share their gifts. Whether it’s a small cooking class for a dozen people, a storytelling event for 120, or our spring plant sale which pulls in hundreds of attendees, our hope is that when people come here they make a personal connection, maybe learn something new, and see clear opportunities to contribute their own gifts to the good of the community.

Arts and Events in Groundswell

Groundswell Cafe doubles as an intimate arts venue, complete with stage, audio, and lighting. In addition, the cafe serves as a gallery, where the works of local artists can be displayed. 

Learn more about using the cafe or other event spaces at Matthew 25 

Storytellers of Cedar Rapids

Storytelling is an ancient, powerful, and fun way to build community while learning about each other. Matthew 25, in partnership with Akwi Nji, hosts live storytelling events and workshops featuring local residents who share true stories from their own lives. 

These events are very popular and usually sell out in advance. Visit our Events page to buy tickets to the next Storytellers of Cedar Rapids event.

Art in Groundswell Cafe
Jason Edwards telling his story